Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ancient and Medieval Political Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Ancient and Medieval Political Theory - Essay Example Plato was an enemy of democracy because according to him, he identified deficiencies in the Athenian democracy. Plato asserted that the Athenian democracy promoted inherent class tension did not focus on promoting equality and liberty of all the people and it was incompetent form of governance (Plato 295). Aristotle offers the best explanation about just city because according to him, a regime is that which provides ‘eidos’ or form to a certain political community. This type of regime by description means a distinct end or ‘telos’ that a regime will hold as its authoritative manner of life. This implies that the regime will organize the authoritative institution within that particular political community. Therefore, a regime is the scheme or form, which arranges political society with respect to its bureau or offices particularly the sovereign. Aristotle argues that the polis is the political environment or society and the political society has power over the citizens or the governed. Aristotle states that what structures the political society is the scheme or structure of the community that has power over and governs over all the other schemes or forms of political community or society that influence human habitat (Aristotle 21-3). According to Plato, inherent class tensions were evident in the disunity between the Athenian classes that lacked discipline and respect to the ordinary citizens because of power. This according to Plato came from the incentives of the governed not to submit to the opinions of the governors. Democratic society in this sense goes on to abuse as contemptible people who honor and respect the authorities and preserves its approval in personal and public life for governors or rules who act like subjects and subjects who act like governors or rulers. Consequently, this leads to dictatorship and revolution. Plato explains that this eventuality leads to totalitarianism which is the most cruel and unjust system of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Water Quality Pollution

Water Quality Pollution TOPIC: WATER QUALITY REPORT Question one: Potential sources of pollution and their potential impact on human health and environment. The Bevern River in Wales has for many years been clean and free from pollution. However in the recent years it have faced different threats of pollution that have posed risk to the water environment and the existence of the several fish species living in it. The major potential source of pollution to the Bevern stream is the sewage system that runs along the Bevern stream the inspection chambers between the Barcombe and the Barcombe sewage treatment work overflow sometimes and the waste are directed to the stream. The overflow has made the levels of the E. coli to rise above the normal required amount in such a stream. The feaces also contain a lot of ammonia and has therefore increased the amount of the dissolved Nitrogen and phosphates. The surrounding that is also polluted with the sewage wastes has also raised a concern over pollution in the stream. The waste is washed down the stream during rain season and the problem of pollution therefore continues. In September 2007, the problem of serious pollution was encountered in the Bevern stream when the raw sewage burst into the stream. The raw sewage has more health and environmental effects than the treated sewage and during the leak of the raw wastes into the river; the water quality was adversely affected. (Lorna, and Jamie, 2001) The dangers that are associated with the problem of pollution are serious. The pollutant cause the rise of the E. coli and amount of the dissolved phosphates and Nitrates that also reduce the amount of Dissolved Oxygen in the water that can affect the life of the species living in the waters that cannot cope with low oxygen. The problem of overflow of the Inspection chamber was solved but the danger still remains as the as the walls of the river near the chamber are weak and with the slightest rain, they can still burst and overflow. Bevern stream drains its water to Sussex River Ouse whose tributaries are at risk from the pollution of the several sewage treatment plants that drain the sewage waste to these streams. As a result, the Sussex river remain threatened to pollution from these treatment plants that have very low standards according to the river Sussex Conservation Society and other societies. The often breakdown of the infrastructure around the Bevern stream is also a potential source of water pollution in the stream. The presence of high levels of E. coli and low dissolved oxygen can lead to the death of the fish species in the water. The pollution of the water with Nitrates and Phosphates is also dangerous as it can lead to the growth of harmful water plants that can cause effect to the vertebrates in the river and can also reduce the rate of floe of the river that can also affect the amount of Dissolved Oxygen. The solid wastes from Wales community neighboring the stream also block the flow of water in the Bevern stream, the solid wastes also increase sediments in the river that affect the movement of the vertebrates hence lack food and die. They also destroy the breeding sites which has adversely reduced the number of species in the water. The consumption of this polluted water can be dangerous to human health as they cause Typhoid from the E. Coli bacteria present in the water from the sewage wastes. Question Two: The limitations to obtaining data on water quality that accurately reflects the changing conditions in the stream. The collection of data on the quality of water in Bevern stream is not efficient and reliable. The problem of collecting data is associated with the changing in the fauna and flora in the stream, at the mouth of the where the tributary Bevern joins River Sussex, there are several species of vertebrates which are as a result of low level of pollution at the site while in the lower mainstream of the river, there are less species as they die from the immediate sewage pollution from the Barcombe sewage treatment section. If samples of the water are taken from these two points of the stream, there will be a great difference in the results that cannot be relied for the real water quality changes currently experienced in the river. Several snail species that are not capable of surviving in low dissolved Oxygen die at some point of the stream as well as nymph. (Duncan, and Horan, 2003) This is from the increase in the level of the phosphates and ammonia level in the water. There is a greater difference in the quality of water at different points of the river, the data collected therefore should not be limited to few samples and should include several samples from different points. The analysis carried out on the water should be used to look for an average so that the water quality results can be compared to the European Community Fresh Water Fish Directive. The other limitation that can also emerge from the data is from the capability of different vertebrates and other species to survive in different water quality. Some can survive in low dissolved Oxygen while some like fish cannot. The PH of the water may also not be fit for some animal species but can favor some. Therefore it is very unreliable to collect data at the stream based on some factors. The stream should be upgraded to the salmonid water quality standards which are rigorous than the EC standards. The Bevern water quality deteriorates downstream as a result of the treated sewage discharge into the stream Dichling which is closer to the sewage discharge. The effect on the quality of water also depends on the season, for example during the dry summer seasons; the stream water quality is very poor as compare to the winter. The standards are compared for two fish species, the Salmonid and the Cyprinid in which the former is delicate and need extremely high quality water. (Lorna, and Jamie, 2001) Question Three: Outline what the results for nutrient levels (e.g., ammonia, nitrate and phosphates) tell you about the trophic status of the stream. Trophic status of a water body is defined in relation to the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients present in the water as well as the algae. These two nutrients are the key determinants of the trophic status which is the biological fertility or productivity of the water body. The levels of the three nutrients in the Bevern stream are significantly higher than the standard EC Fisheries directives for both the Salmonid and Cyprinid species. (Crompton, 2002) This indicates that the stream is relatively productive which is the reason why the stream has a lot of plants growing in it as well as algae in the water. These plants provide food for the different vertebrates in the water that result to breeding and increase in the number of species in the stream. The nymph in the stream eats the algae. The fish feed on these small invertebrates and from their waste they add the amount of Ammonia and phosphates in the water. The balance between the levels of these nutrients is maint ained through the different trophic levels. Treated sewage discharge from Barcombe treatment section into the stream help to increase the levels of these nutrients. The high level of Dissolved Oxygen is also favorable for the increment of the fertility of the stream that increases productivity. The DO in the stream is very high as compared to the set EC standards for dissolved oxygen as seen from the table above. Oxygen favors the development of algae and other water plants. The availability of these plants is a ready source of food to some species. This result to the increase in number of this species which form food for the fish and other vertebrates. The trophic status of the Bevern stream is reasonably high and the future increase in the number of species is possible as long as pollution is controlled. Bavern stream fresh water aquatic environment studies showed that at the mouth of river Sussex, there are several species of fish that exist as a result of the trophic status in the stream. The problem of pollution in the stream has been sought by the Environmental Agency and this has assisted in the improvement and maintenance of good trophic status in the stream. Question Four: What do the bacteriological data tell you about levels and sources of faecal pollution in the Bevern stream? The level of the Escherichia coli is 64000 per 100ml and the Entercoli is 32000 per 100ml. These values are very high in the stream which shows that there is faecal pollution in the stream. The faecal pollution is from the sewage discharge from the treatment works along the stream. The are also possibilities of untreated sewage discharge into the stream that has caused in the high level of the Enterococci which is a colony of the intestinal coli in water. The levels are triggered by the leakage of the September incident where the sewage over flew into the river. The surrounding area may also be producing faecal pollution into the stream. The animal faeces in the nearby forest is responsible for the intestinal coli in the stream which are very high. Generally the water quality in Bevern stream is good and favorable for aquatic biodiversity as the level of Dissolved Oxygen and the ammonia and phosphate nutrients are high. The E. coli is high which is dangerous to the health of the people living around the stream. (Crompton, 2002) The faecal pollution is a major source of the waterborne diseases that affect the community living around. The sources of the faecal pollution are many and cannot be avoided unless the level of treatment for the sewage discharged in the stream is raised to better standards. The biological data shows that the stream is more polluted with the faecal wastes from both the treated sewage and the surrounding area which is also potential source of faecal pollution for the Bevern stream. The intestinal coli is a guarantee that their must be some direct disposal of feaces into the stream without treatment or there is discharge of raw sewage into the stream. This also shows that there are infected people around with the E. coli bacteria that cause Typhoid, Dysentery or Diarrhea in human beings. However it has not been proved that water shrew faeces are present in the stream. The current research that is being conducted by the Sussex Conservation Society is underway where plastic tubes are set near the water with muslin bait at one end, the shrews will enter in the tube to feed on this delicacy. If they are found then the faecal wastes will be too high which will have attracted the faecal shrews. (www.sussex-ouse.org.uk/research/index.htm) References Crompton, R. (2000). Determination of Organic Compound in Water, (New York, Mac Graw Hill) Lorna, F. and Jamie, B. (2001). Water Quality, Guidelines, Quality and Health, (London, MacMillan) Joseph, A. (2004). Waterborne Zoonoses, (London, MacMillan) Mason, F. (2002). Biology of Freshwater, (New York, Wesley) Duncan, D. and Horan, J. (2003). Water and Wastewater Microbiology, (London, Oxford University Press) Bull, T. and Marrs, L. (1998). Biotechnology for Clean Industrial Products and Processes, (London, Oxford University Press) Kavanagh, D. (2006). A Country Pillow Book, (London, Cambridge University Press) Information on the Bevern Stream also available from www.sussex.org.uk (Retrieved on 15th April, 2008)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Exploring Love in Shakespeare’s Sonnets Essay -- Sonnets 24, 31, 46, 4

In Plato’s Symposium, the discussion on the nature of love between Socrates and his companions in the house of Agathon clearly discerns key ideas that Shakespeare uses in the sonnets. Beauty, youth, and love are all topics of discussion in the conversations, and Plato’s ideas show up again and again when the sonnets are explored. In Symposium, Aristophanes gives a detailed description of a time when humans were not in their present physical form (Plato 353). His tale posits that the original form of humankind differed from the present in that â€Å"sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number,† to which he adds, â€Å"there was man, woman and the union of the two, having a name corresponding to this double nature,† which is called androgynous (Plato 353). The physical nature of primeval man is discussed: "[Man] was round, his back and sides forming a circle; and he had four hands and four feet, one head with two faces, looking oppo site ways, set on a round neck and precisely alike; also four ears, two privy members, and the remainder to correspond" (Plato 354). Aristophanes goes on to explain that the gods split these beings in two so that primeval man would not be as powerful as them. Eventually, the halves are filled out to create symmetry. Plato says, â€Å"human nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love† (Plato 357). Thus, the explanation of heterosexual and homosexual behavior can be delineated from this myth. The drive for love goes beyond the sexual into the spiritual. In Shakespeare’s sonnets, the poet persona battles feelings between a fair youth, who is often characterized as a young male, and the dark lady, who is a sensual female. Throughout th... ... of Plato’s knowledge into one metaphysical string of sonnets dealing with two great organs geared towards the pursuit of beauty and truth, and he has made the arguments therein immortal, timeless, and beautiful, bringing every reader to a better understanding of Platonic love. Works Cited Plato. â€Å"Symposium.† The Works of Plato. Edman, Irwin, ed. New York, NY: Random House. 1956. â€Å"Eye.† Oxford English Dictionary. Second ed. Volume V. 1998. â€Å"Heart.† Oxford English Dictionary. Second ed. Volume VII. 1998. Landry, Hilton. Interpretations in Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.1964. Shakespeare, William. The Complete Sonnets and Poems. Ed. Colin Burrow. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 2002. Violi, Unicio J. Shakespeare’s The Sonnets. New York, NY: Monarch Press. 1965.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Building Trust

Teaching Guide Building Trust (DVD Title: Building Trust in a Large Organization) LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE: TEACHING OBJECTIVES: Manager must win the trust †¢ Importance of building trust of over 500 employees in his with people when leading a large team Understandcall center team to motivate ing how to earn the trust them to maximize customer of subordinates who are different than you satisfaction. LEADERSHIP DECISION AND RESULT: Manager ? nds a common ground with people, learns their names, changes his dress, learns about their job, and makes himself visible to win their trust. Importance of knowing your people and their job †¢ Importance of identifying with your people and being visible. Center for Leadership Development and Research Leadership in Focus TEACHING THEMES: †¢ Motivating Teams †¢ Vision, Values and Culture †¢ Taking Charge Building Trust Jim Roth Manager, Dell Background on Company Dell, Inc. and its subsidiaries engage in the design, development, manufacture, marketing, sale, and support of various computer systems and services worldwide. Discussion Questions: Have you ever had to build trust with a large number of people who are fundamentally different than you? †¢ As a manager, what are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing yourself as part of a team rather than leading a team? †¢ Do you think Jim will still have the respect of his team if he is so focused on serving them and their needs? †¢ What does Jim mean when he says that a manager should be â€Å"conscious of how they ? t into the organization† and â€Å"have a sense they are always on stage? † Background on Leader Jim Roth is a graduate of Northwestern and has a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering.He worked as a Venture Capitalist, in a software start up, in management consulting and at Dell manages a large tech support team of 500 people. 1 Building Trust | Jim Roth These videos are prepared for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Copyright  © 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved. Teaching Notes Building Trust (DVD Title: Building Trust in a Large Organization) Center for Leadership Development and Research Leadership in FocusVideo Segment 1: (Run Time: 1 minute 5 seconds) Challenge: Manager must win the trust of over 500 employees in his call center team to motivate them to maximize customer satisfaction. Note: Operations are 24/7 and units are located in Texas and Idaho. This is the ? rst time Jim has managed a large (550 person with 26 managers) group—he felt intimidated. The pressure to reach 90% looming. Dell had prioritized Wall Street ahead of customers— and service suffered—lots of bad press. better results. You think this new manager is too â€Å"touchy feely† and will get walked all over.You want results! Group Work (optional): As sume it is the ? rst day on the job as the new manager of this team. Discuss what you should do. Writing Exercises (optional): Write a message to the managers of your new organization, setting expectations about the team and goals they will be working towards moving forward. Describe your leadership style and approach to the challenge. Make your message motivational. Discussion Questions: †¢ Have you ever had to build trust with a large number of people who are fundamentally different than you? What did you do? What are the advantages of disadvantages of being the boss who is feared? †¢ Do you agree with all the things Jim does to earn the trust of his team? Why or why not? †¢ Do you think Jim will still have the respect of his team if he is so focused on serving them and their needs? Why or why not? Oral Presentations (optional): As the new manager, give an introductory speech to the managers in your organization about you and the goals you hope to achieve. Clearly s tate the messages you want to convey to your direct reports. Role Play (optional):Discussion between Manager (Jim) and his Supervisor (Sam) whose leadership philosophy is very different and thinks a manager should be feared by his people. Explain yourself and try to gain your supervisor’s trust. †¢ Background for Manager (Jim): You believe you should think of your team as your customers and make every effort to make their job easier. You do not want to be feared by your people and think you will be even more productive thanks to your leadership style. †¢ Background for Supervisor (Sam): You think the new manager needs to come in strong and put fear in his employees to achieve 2 Building Trust | Jim RothCopyright  © 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved. Teaching Notes Building Trust (DVD Title: Building Trust in a Large Organization) Center for Leadership Development and Research Leadership in Focus Video Segme nt 2: (Run Time: 3 minutes 20 seconds) Decision: Manager ? nds a common ground with people, learns their names, changes his dress, learns about their job, and he makes himself visible to win their trust. Writing Exercises (optional): As the manager, write an email to your employees announcing your new purchase of headsets for all agents.Discuss how they will be distributed. Will you incentivize the high performers by awarding them with new headsets ? rst? Discussion Questions: †¢ Do you agree with all the things Jim does to earn the trust of his team? Why or why not? †¢ Do you think Jim will still have the respect of his team if he is so focused on serving them and their needs? Why or why not? †¢ Is there anything Jim should do differently and how successful do you think he will be with his approach? †¢ As a manager, what are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing your team as your customers?Role Play (optional): Discussion between Manager (Jim) and direct re port (Fred) who believes everybody needs new headsets and new chairs. †¢ Background for Manager (Jim): You believe you should make your people more comfortable, but you are limited in budget and must make your people and Fred understand there are limits to what you can do for them. †¢ Background for Direct Report (Fred): You think everybody needs new headsets and chairs. You know the new manager is anxious to make a positive impression and you think this purchase could help.Group Work (optional): What does Jim mean by having an â€Å"early victories† when he talks about getting new headsets? What kind of a precedent does this set and how should he manage expectations for the future? 3 Building Trust | Jim Roth Copyright  © 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved. Teaching Notes Building Trust (DVD Title: Building Trust in a Large Organization) Center for Leadership Development and Research Leadership in Focus Vid eo Segment 3 and 4: (Run Time: 2 minutes 10 seconds)Writing Exercises (optional): As the Manager, write an email to your team telling them how you want them to come to you when they have problems. You want them to understand you are there to help them, but also don’t want them to abuse this privilege. Make the message motivational. Result and Lessons Learned: Manager receives feedback from his people and sees this as a victory that he has earned their trust. To earn trust and improve performance, it is important to learn the details about your people to determine why they come to work everyday.Discussion Questions: †¢ As a manager, what are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing yourself as part of a team rather than leading a team? †¢ What does Jim mean when he says that a manager should be conscious of â€Å"how they ? t into the organization† and â€Å"have a sense they are always on stage? † †¢ What does Jim mean when he says a manager sho uld come across as a â€Å"real person? † †¢ Do you agree or disagree with Jim’s statement when he talks about his subordinates, â€Å"They are not beneath you. † Explain. Group Work (optional):Discuss the ideal leadership style and image of a manager for a large organization who needs to improve team performance. Oral Presentations (optional): Assume you are talking about your vision for the future of your team. You are in front of 300 of your employees and when you pause, somebody from the audience yells out a quote you said three months ago that is different than what you are saying now. Everybody laughs and starts talking amongst themselves. How do you handle this and what do you say? 4 Building Trust | Jim Roth Copyright  © 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Revenue recognition Essay

The study has been conducted to have a view on Revenue Recognition and how is important for entities in financial reporting and the link between revenue recognition and creative accounting. The primary issue in accounting for revenue is to determining when to recognize revenue. Revenue is recognized when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and these benefits can be measured reliably. There are identifiable criteria to be met and for revenue to be recognized. By definition, Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity, other than increases relating to contributions from equity participants. The entities revenue may be arising from the transactions and events, such as the sale of goods; the rendering of services; and the use by others of entity assets yielding interest, royalties and dividends. The recognition criteria usually applied separately to each transaction. However, in certain circumstances, it is necessary to apply the recognition criteria to the separately identifiable components of a single transaction in order to reflect the substance of the transaction transactions are dealt with shall be measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.1 Creative on the other hand refers to the use of accounting knowledge to influence the reported figures while the jurisdiction of accounting rules and laws, so that instead of showing the actual performance or position of the company, they reflect what the management want to tell the shareholders. It is the transformation of financial accounting figures from what they actually are to what preparer desires by taking advantages of the existing rules and /or ignoring some of them2. There are number of ways management can use to practice Creative accounting such the choice of accounting policy and also the use of artificial transactions to Revenue Recognition. The focus of this study lies more on the Revenue recognition a tool of creative accounting. The Management objective is to maximize shareholders wealth. Sometimes Organizations performance do not always be good to meet this objective, Management may use creative accounting tactics to create a good image of company (find ways to improve results) to meet the objective of shareholders. Also Management use creative accounting to maximize for their own wealth maximization, among other thing is end bonus and salaries increments Literature Review Revenue recognition Financial reporting statements are tools to communicate entity performance to internal and external users of its financial results information. Revenue recognition is important aspect of organizational. The performance organization is measured based on the results from its operations activities and the bottom line (the profit) plays a significant role. Revenue is determinant of performance of Organization since the profit which is indicator of organizational performance is the results of the Organization’s total revenue less total costs.Internation Accounting Standard (IAS) 18 Revenue recognition, specify criteria to meet for revenue to be recognized in Financial Statements. By definition, Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits (cash, receivables, other assets) arising from the ordinary operating activities of an entity (such as sales of goods, sales of services, interest, royalties, and dividends) Recognition of revenue, recognition, as defined in the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) Framework, means incorporating an item that meets the definition of revenue (above) in the income statement when it meets the following criteria, that: Its probable that any future economic benefit associated with the item of revenue will flow to the entity, and the amount of revenue can be measured with reliability. As mentioned, each activity has its recognition criteria on top of the one mention. These are as follows; Sale of goods  Revenue arising from the sale of goods should be recognized when all of the  following criteria have been satisfied: i. The seller has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership ii. The seller retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold iii. The amount of revenue can be measured reliably  iv. It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the seller, and v. The costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably Rendering of services For revenue arising from the rendering of services, provided that all of the following criteria are met, revenue should be recognized by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date (the percentage-of-completion method) i. The amount of revenue can be measured reliably; ii. It is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the seller; iii. The stage of completion at the balance sheet date can be measured reliably; and iv. The costs incurred, or to be incurred, in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably. When the above criteria are not met, revenue arising from the rendering of services should be recognized only to the extent of the expenses recognized that are recoverable (a â€Å"cost-recovery approach) Interest, royalties, and dividends For interest, royalties and dividends, provided that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the enterprise and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably, revenue should be recognized as follows: i. Interest: using the effective interest method ii. Royalties: on an accruals basis in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreement iii. Dividends: when the shareholder’s right to receive payment is established Creative Accounting Creative accounting refers to the use of accounting knowledge to influence the reported figures, while remaining within the jurisdiction of accounting rules and laws, so that instead of showing the actual performance or position of the company, they reflect what the management wants to tell the stakeholders. Purposeful intervention in the external financial reporting process with the intent of obtaining some exclusive gain. There are some many ways management can use to practice creative accounting such as choices of accounting policies, use of artificial transactions and revenue recognition. In this study, our main focus will be on later, the revenue recognition. Revenue Recognition is the most manipulated item. Deloitte on its review on what fraud scheme are most common, revenue recognition represent 41% of all fraud schemes in United States between 2000-2006.For Many Companies the revenue figure is a single aggregated big number. Creative accountant has always known that, one of the ways to inflate profit is to inflate revenue. In achieving this goal first they manipulate fair value measurement criteria. The criteria are subjective and depend upon the parties to the transactions integrity. The fair value determination is based on knowledge and willingness of the parties to the transactions. Secondly they recognize revenue before it is earned i.e. pre mature recognition of revenue. In complex transactions which involves the lengthy stages of sale especially with accrual system. The recognition of revenue in terms of its timing can be very unclear, therefore the opportunity for manipulation occurs and this can facilitate premature recognition of revenue. Before looking how revenue recognition link with creative accounting, first we have to look the motive behind Creative accounting. Dr. Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah and Dr. Safdar Butt in their article Creative Accounting: A Tool to Help Companies in a Crisis or a Practice to Land Them into Crises which also appeared on NBAA journal No.28 of April-June 2010states and explains the following as motives for creative accounting. To meet internal targets The managers want to cook the books for meeting internal targets set by higher management with respect to sales, profitability and share prices. Meet external expectations. Company has to face many expectations from its stakeholders. The Employees and customers want long term survival of the company for their interests. Suppliers want assurance about the payment and long term relationships with the company. Company also wants to meat analyst’s forecasts and dividend payout pattern. Provide income smoothing. Companies want to show steady income stream to impress the investors and to keep the share prices stable. Advocates of this approach favor it on account of measure against the ‘short-termism’ of evaluating an investment on the basis of the immediate yields. It also avoids raising expectations too high to be met by the management. Taxation The creative accounting may also be a result of desire for some tax benefit especially when taxable income is measured through accounting numbers. Change in management There is another important tendency of new managers to show losses due to poor management of old management by some provisions Revenue Recognition as method for Creative accounting practices There are number of ways management use to conduct creative management, among them is revenue recognition. Firms virtually have a free hand in timing the booking of their revenues at any stage starting from the moment sales contracts are signed till the promised product or service has been fully delivered to and accepted by the clients. For this we can refer to a classic example of Microsoft which was heavily fined by US SEC for its manipulative revenue recognition policy. Microsoft recognized only a small percentage (20-30%) as revenue at the time of the sale and remaining amount was kept as provision for future after sales services. Why Microsoft adopted that strategy. The answer is to (1) hide substantial profits, (2) signaling effects, (3) avoiding complacency and last but not the least (4) to report smoothed  earnings to its shareholders & stakeholders.3 Moreover, NBAA Account Journal vol.25 No 4 October –December 2010, outline ways in which Revenue Recognition can be used as a method of creative accounting. This include but not limited to Common revenue Manipulations and channel stuffing, Multiple element arrangements, side letters or agreement and non substantive round trip arrangement, Bill and hold arrangements, backdated contracts and Fictitious transactions Common revenue Manipulations Revenue recognition irregularities often involves both omission and commission acts which are inherently either or both inclusive and exclusive of creative accounting manipulation.In books and records include commissions such as false entries,misstated contracts,back dating,misapplication of accounting standards.Commissions result into overstated revenue,mis-timing of recognition,overstated receivables. Channel Stuffing Channel Stuffing is a practice of bringing revenue forward from future fiscal periods.This is done by inducing customers to submit purchase orders in advance.Channel Stuffing is an example of real earning management which involves manipulation of real or normal operations to influence reported performance. A good example of channel stuffing is Coca cola channel stuffing practice of 1997 to 1999 where coca cola offered downstream bottlers extended credit to induce them to purchase more than demanded. Multiple element arrangements, IAS 18 provides guidance on revenue gain from the normal sale of goods and provision of services. The complex issues that arise from the principle-agent relationship and multiple element arrangement .The revenue collected for third parties is not to be recognized by an entity.For example, in a telecommunication industry, operator firm form alliances and enter into Side letters or agreement This involves act of seller to credit the buyer for unsold goods or to provide future stock rotation rights or to extend payment terms such that a transaction becomes a consignment Bill and hold arrangements, This include the sale of product and performing the warehousing service for the product.It is a contract of supplying goods where the seller transfer the title but does not transfer physically deliver the goods until a later date. The bill and hold arrangement are popular in the oil and gas industry as well as international sales.They are only acceptable when it is probably that the delivery will be made,the items on hand is identified and ready for delivery to the buyer at the time when sale is recognized, the buyer specifically recognizes the differed delivered instructions and the usual payment terms apply. The sale on bill and hold arrangement must satisfy conditions that the seller only retains the goods for safe keeping and shipping and the goods must not used by the seller to fulfill other orders. When these condition are met then sales can be recognized on a bill and hold arrangements. In practice these rules can be violated by seller and this go to be an act of creative accounting. The specific case in point would be on timing of the recognition between years as the transfer of risks and rewards can be distinguish and difficult to uncover. Therefore due to this the Revenue recognition can be shifted forward or backward to suit the needs of the creative accounting. Backdated Contracts Backdating of revenues contracts facilitates early recognition of revenue than normally expected recognition date. Company must comply with any laws, rules and regulations relating to dating documents used in business. Any departure from this may attract litigation because such backdating may amount to fraud, forgery and criminal offenses. Recognition of revenue earlier than its expected date act as a method of creative accounting because the financial statements for early recognition period will not present a true and fair value of the company’s performance, rather performance results from manipulated figure through creative accounting. Genuine Transaction Genuine transactions can also be timed so as to give the desired impression  in the accounts. As an example, suppose a business has an investment at historic cost which can easily be sold for a higher sales price, being the current value. The managers of the business are free to choose in which year they sell the investment and so increase the profit in the accounts Fictitious Transactions Financial Statements are inflated by recording sales of goods or services that never occurred or by inflating actual sales. This is one of the leading malicious manipulations than the other type of earning management because it engrosses documents falsification, forgeryand manipulation. On the other hand fictitious revenue can be accomplished with side agreements, contra agreements (sales that offset a purchase transaction) and conditional sales. Practical Example Xerox Corporation Source: The Wall Street Journal, February 6, 2001 Xerox Corporation had the habit of recognizing leasing payments as sales. In April 2002, after an investigation by the SEC, the American company was forced to reclassify its financial statements for the years 1997 to 2000 and reduce recognized revenues by US$3,000 million and profits by US$1,500 million, with equity being reduced in the same amount. As a result, the SEC fined Xerox US$10 million. By that time, the price of the company’s shares had plummeted from US$62 to US$4.5. How did this company manipulate its revenue figures? Xerox sold customers photocopiers under long-term agreements, in which the customers paid a sum of money to Xerox, part of which was to purchase the machine and the other part to cover repairs and maintenance on a long-term basis. This was not problematic in itself from a bookkeeping perspective, provided that the amount corresponding to the sale price of the machine was recognized as revenue in the first year, plus revenues corresponding to maintenance services in the current year, transferring the rest of the received amount to deferred Revenues, which, in turn, were recorded as sales in the year in which the repair services were rendered. So, if a photocopier, for example, is valued at US$100, and five-year maintenance costs US$50, the customer would pay Xerox US$150 when purchasing the machine. The correct accounting method for recording this operation, if the transaction were performed on 1 January, would be to recognize US$110 of sales in year 1 and US$10 of sales in each of the following four years. Accounting malpractice on the part of Xerox consisted in recognizing US$125 of revenues from the sale of the machine, thus undervaluing the amount of future repair services, recording US$130 as revenues in year 1 and deferring only US$20 over the remaining four years of the contract. In this way, it increased year 1profits substantially and reduced future profits. The total amount of the transaction in sales remained the same (US$150); the problem is simply the timing of the recognition of these sales ENRON Enron and other energy merchants earned profits by providing services such as wholesale trading and risk management in addition to developing electric power plants, natural gas pipelines, storage, and processing facilities. When taking on the risk of buying and selling products, merchants are allowed to report the selling price as revenues and the products costs as cost of goods sold. In contrast an â€Å"agent† provides a service to the customer, but does not take on the same risks as merchants for buying and selling. Service providers, when classified as agents, are able to report trading and brokerage fees as revenue. Enron’s method of reporting inflated trading revenue was later adopted by other companies in the energy trading industry in attempt to stay competitive with the company’s large increase in revenue. Enron’s use of distorted, â€Å"hyper-inflated† revenues was more important to it in creating the impression of innovation, high growth, and spectacular business performance than the masking of debt. Between 1996 to 2000, Enron’s revenues increased by more than 750%, rising from $13.3 billion in 1996 to $100.8 billion in 2000. This extensive expansion of 65% per year was unprecedented in any industry, including the energy industry which typically considered growth of 2-3% per year to be respectable for just the first nine months of 2001; Enron reported $138.7 billion in revenues, which placed the company at the sixth position on the Fortune global 500. Group Discussion Regarding Revenue Recognition The Management objective is to maximize shareholders wealth and this is achieved when the companies they are managing are performing well, recording high revenue figure and a good bottom line figure, the profit. Though this study we have learn that, Revenue recognition and Creative accounting is a tool which is much like a weapon. If used correctly it can be of great benefit to the user but if it is mishandled it can cause much harm. Many people are taking creative accounting as negative act; the image to their mind is that creative accounting is dishonest act and manipulation of figures. Though the study we have learned out that Creative accounting has both advantages and disadvantages. It can help the company to get out of a crisis than land them to a crisis. Therefore our discussion will focus much the advantages of creative accounting as the results of Revenue Recognition to the Organization. Not all aspects of revenue are covered under IAS 18 (Revenue Recognition), which give the room to management to use their judgments which will ends up with results favors position. For example IAS 18 provides guidelines on revenue gain from the normal sale of goods and provision of services. The revenue that arises from the principle-agent relationship and multiple element arrangement is not falls on the two. Deciding whether one operator is acting as an agent in delivering of services is subjective and unclear. Thus the decision will be based on matter of judgment and circumstances of situation. When Management use their judgment to recognize revenue for situation like this we can not say they have manipulated the figure, therefore creative accounting become advantageous to them. Creative accounting also can be used in genuine transactions. For example, the disposal of Investment, the authorization of sale lies on owners but the decision on when to sale is on hands of Management. For example, if the Company have investment of TZS 2m at historical cost which can be easily sold for TZS 3m in current Value, when authorized to sale, the Management of Company are free to choose in which year to sell the investment and to increase profit in the company results. Due to the tendency of Investors preference on smooth income to up and down  income, Management would like to dispose this Investment in the period when they see the entity’s performance is poor. The revenue from sale will help to boost their performance and end up reporting smooth income and help to meet expectations. This is creative accounting, but applied on genuine transaction and according to the requirement of the transaction. Revenue recognition acts as a method of creative accounting but on genuine transaction. The two examples we have discussed explain in brief how weapon, creative accounting could be beneficial to Company. When using creative accounting on in good manner, if the Company is in crisis, can help the company to acquire loans from Bank, to attract Investors and also to motivate employees because not only lenders and Invertors interested with Company Performance, Employees also interested to assure their job security and this is important because will enable the Company to retain their key personnel and also attract more qualified workers Conclusion Creative Accounting is both desirable and undesirable. It depends on the point of one’s argument. The practice of creative management has some advantages and disadvantages. Creative accounting is a tool which helps a company to get out of crisis than to land in it. It is much like a weapon. If used correctly it can be a great benefit to the user. Some advantages of creative accounting as a result of revenue recognition has helped to stabilize share prices, helps/helped companies to straighten their borrowing limits and rescue companies from hostiles takeover. On other hand it has brought more harm to companies especially through untimely corporate failures that have brought immense losses to various stakeholders. Also the improper use of such creative accounting practices had fooled both auditors and regulators in the past and it continues to do the same. The complex and diverse nature of the business transactions and the latitude available in the accounting standards and policies make it difficult to handle the issue of creative accounting. It is not that creative accounting solutions are always wrong. It is the intent and the magnitude of the disclosure which  determines its true nature and justification. Revenue recognition can as a tool can enhance both advantage and disadvantages of creative accounting. When Revenue recognition applied on genuine transaction and company end up with good results it enhance the advantages of using creative accounting practices but the worse of it is when it is used to recognize revenue on artificial transactions and fictitious transactions, this end up landing the company into crisis like ENRON, this is disadvantages of practicing creative accounting. REFERENCE 1. The Accountant. The Journal of the National Board of Accountants and Auditors Tanzania.No.4 October-December,2010 2. The Journal of the National Board of Accountants and Auditors Tanzania.Vol.25 No.28 April-June 2012 3. The Wall Street Journal, February 6, 2001 4. Oriol,Amat:Journal of Economic Literature classification: M41.Creative Accounting: Nature, Incidence and Ethical Issues

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lesson Plan Sample for 3rd Grade

Lesson Plan Sample for 3rd Grade PA Standards READING- MATH- 1.1,1.2,2.3,3.4 1.1,1 .2,2.3,3.4 Objectives: MONDAY-FRIDAY 3RDGrade  Ã‚   3rd Grade Students should: Read 17 wpm at an accuracy rate of 85% Read and write 10 whole numbers in expanded Pronounce sounds correctly at 25 sounds per minute (spm) form in 10 out of 15 trials Read 200 vocabularies at 115 words per minute (wpm) with 2 errors Read and write 15 whole numbers in a standard Read a passage at 140 wpm with only unsystematic errors form in 15 out of 18 trials Learn to decode words easily at 105 wpm accurately Classify the place and value of a digit in a four Reading and analyzing the main concept in each paragraph digit numeral Decode words as well as write the title or topic with random faults Round place valued numbers to the nearest 10, State the main concept in 3 paragraphs out 5 100 and 10 000 Read and tell the correct time in a clock Identify factors of whole numbers and their Read and analyze the faces of clocks in 3 out 6 trials multiples in 3 out of 5 trials Read and follow single-step direction less than 1 out of 6 times -Compare whole numbers and learn to use a Read evaluate spoken words in every sentence at 100 wpm number line with 5 integers in 7 out of 10 trials Read 400 words with utmost understanding and fluency Use fractions and multiples of whole numbers Read 90 wpm at an accuracy rate of 90% to compare sections of whole numbers Read and retell a story in a sequential order with 100% accuracy Identifying the dimensions of shap

Monday, October 21, 2019

African American History and Women Timeline

African American History and Women Timeline What have African American women contributed to American history? How have they been affected by historical events? Find out in the timeline, which includes these: events featuring African American womenbirth and death dates for many notable African American womengeneral African American events which had significant impact on African American women and families as well as menevents involving key women whose work influenced African American history, for instance the involvement of many European American women in anti-slavery workbirth and death dates for key women whose work was important in African American history, for instance in anti-slavery or civil rights work Start with the timeline period youre most interested in: [1492-1699]  [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-] Women and African American History: 1492-1699 1492 Columbus discovered America, from the perspective of Europeans. Queen Isabella of Spain declared all indigenous peoples her subjects, in the lands claimed by Columbus for Spain, preventing the Spanish conquerors from enslaving the Native Americans. The Spanish thus looked elsewhere for the labor they needed to take advantage of the New Worlds economic opportunities. 1501 Spain permitted African slaves to be sent to the Americas 1511 first African slaves arrived in Hispaniola 1598 Isabel de Olvero, part of the Juan Guerra de Pesa Expedition, helped to colonize what has since become New Mexico 1619 (August 20) 20 men and women from Africa arrived on a slave ship and were sold in the first North American slave auction by British and international custom, Africans could be held in servitude for life, though white Christian indentured servants could only be held for a limited term 1622 Anthony Johnson, son of an African mother, arrived in Virginia. He lived with his wife, Mary Johnson, in Accomack on Virginias Eastern Shore, the first free Negroes in Virginia (Anthony taking his last name from his original master). Anthony and Mary Johnson eventually founded the first free black community in North America, and themselves held servants for life. 1624 Virginia census lists 23 Negroes including some women; ten have no names listed and the rest only first names, likely indicating lifetime servitude none of the women are listed as married 1625 Virginia census lists twelve black men and eleven black women; most have no names and do not have the dates of arrival that most white servants in the census have listed only one of the black men and women has a full name listed 1641 Massachusetts legalized slavery, specifying that a child inherited its status from the mother, rather than the father, reversing English common law about 1648 Tituba born (Salem witch trials figure; probably of Carib not African heritage) 1656 Elizabeth Key, whose mother was a slave and father was a white planter, sued for her freedom, claiming her fathers free status and her baptism as grounds and the courts upheld her claim 1657 A daughter of a free Negro Anthony Johnson, Jone Johnson, was given 100 acres of land by Debeada, an Indian ruler. 1661 Maryland  passed a law making every person of African descent in the colony a slave, including all children of African descent at birth whatever the free or enslaved status of the childs parents. 1662 Virginia House of Burgesses passed a law that a childs status followed the mothers, if the mother was not white, contrary to English common law in which the fathers status determined the childs 1663 Maryland passed a law under which free white women would lose their freedom if they married a black slave, and under which the children of white women and black men became slaves 1664 Maryland became the first of the future states to pass a law making it illegal for free English women to marry Negro slaves 1667 Virginia passed a law stating that baptism  could not free slaves by birth 1668 Virginia legislature declared that free black women were to be taxed, but not white women servants or other white women; that negro women, though permitted to enjoy their freedome could not have the rights of the English. 1670 Virginia passed a law that Negroes or Indians, even those free and baptized, could not purchase any Christians, but could purchase any of their owne nation [race] (i.e. free Africans could buy Africans and Indians could buy Indians) 1688 Aphra Behn (1640-1689, England) published the anti-slavery Oroonoka, or the History of the Royal Slave, first novel in English by a woman 1691 The term white is first used, rather than specific terms like English or Dutchman, in a law referring to English or other white women. 1692 Tituba disappeared from history (Salem witch trials figure; probably of Carib not African heritage) [Next] [1492-1699] [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-]

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Unit Conversion Example Problem - Pounds to Kilograms

Unit Conversion Example Problem - Pounds to Kilograms Pounds (lb) and kilograms (kg) are two important units of mass and weight. The units are used for body weight, produce weight, and many other measurements. This worked example problem demonstrates how to convert pounds to kilograms and kilograms to pounds. Pounds to Kilograms Problem A man weighs 176 lbs. What is his weight in kilograms? Start with the conversion factor between pounds and kilograms. 1 kg 2.2 lbs Write this in the form of an equation to solve for kilograms: weight in kg weight in lb x (1 kg / 2.2 lb) The pounds cancel out, leaving kilograms. In essence this means all you have to do to get a kilogram weight in pounds is divide by 2.2:x kg 176 lbs x 1 kg/2.2 lbsx kg 80 kg The 176 lb. man weighs 80 kg. Kilograms to Pounds Conversion Its easy to work the conversion the other way, too. If given a value in kilograms, all you need to do is multiply it by 2.2 to get the answer in pounds. For example, if a melon weighs 0.25 kilograms, its weight in pounds is 0.25 x 2.2 0.55 lbs. Check Your Work To get a ballpark conversion between pounds and kilograms, remember there are about 2 pounds in a 1 kilogram, or the number is twice as much. The other way to look at it is to remember there are about half as many kilograms in a pound.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Structural design 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Structural design 1 - Essay Example Failure to carry out proper structural design results to the building being too weak and it may collapse killing many people (Charlton, 1973). A structural engineer has very important roles in designing the support of the house as well as designing the layout of the building. The engineer works closely with the architect to ensure stability of the building. The main challenges of any structural design are; The structure engineer has to critically evaluate and analyze different materials and their behavior when loaded and select the most effective and affordable materials. These analysis are important so that the engineer can come up with a design that is economical and can withstand load. Structural design ensures that the building stands straight, firm and safe. It also ensures that the building resist excessive deflections that expose the structural elements to fatigue. The structural elements must be designed to resist cracking and creep. The design postulated by the structural engineer must also take in consideration the changes in length of the building materials due to change in temperatures as this lead to deformation of materials. The design must be made to the material specifications including all the manufacturing tolerances. The major structural element used in building includes columns, beams plates, arches, shells and catenaries(Science Corporation, 2001). Columns are elements that carry the axial ... The design must be made to the material specifications including all the manufacturing tolerances. The major structural element used in building includes columns, beams plates, arches, shells and catenaries(Science Corporation, 2001). Materials and methods In this design the following structural members will be used. ColumnsColumns are elements that carry the axial force. The force may be either in tension or in compression. The main design consideration is the axial capacity of the column and the buckling capacity. The buckling capacity of the element is it ability to resist buckling. This capacity depends on the; The physical geometry of the beam The effective length of the column (this length depends on the resisting capability at both end of the column). The degree of bending of the column determines the capacity of the column. Beams There are two types of beams used in this design. Beams are subjected to pure bending. The result of this is bending causes parts of the beam to be in tension while the other part to be in compression. Beam Sections under tension must be designed to resist it while sections in compression must be designed to resist crushing and buckling. In cases where the beams are very long, trusses are incorporated. When a beam is under tension ties are used to resist these forces, struts are used where beams need to withstand compressive forces. Cantilever beam This type of beam is supported at one end. The other end lies free. Simply supported beam This type of beam is supported vertically at the two ends. At one of the ends it is supported horizontally to enable it rotate at its support. This prevents

Friday, October 18, 2019

Memo to CIO on Success Criteria for Enterprise System Implementation Case Study

Memo to CIO on Success Criteria for Enterprise System Implementation - Case Study Example The modern design may be contrived in power ranges up to 800 horsepower. Due to Environmental trends globally, demand for the new generator and motor designs have been on the rise. The company has also opened up other branches which see the need to have all of its system synchronized into one system that can make it easier for the management to consolidate most of its CRM centrally at one point. Teamwork and composition are vital in the entire CRM life cycle. The CRM team should comprise of the best individuals from the company (Brown, and Vessey, 1999). Coming up with a cross-functional team is also necessary. The team should consist of knowledgeable consultants and some internal staff such the internal staff may develop the needed technical skills required for design and implementation. The support of top management is required in the entire implementation process. The project must have a valid approval from the top management and align with critical business goals (Buckhout Frey and Nemec, 1999). This may be achieved through tying the management bonuses to the success of the project. Managers are supposed to legitimize new objectives and goals. A joint vision of the company and the function of the new CRM application and structure should be communicated directly to the employees. New structures, responsibilities, and roles of the company should be adopted. Policies should be put by top management to form modern systems in the company. There should be a clearly outlined business plan and a vision in order to steer the direction of CRM implementation. This business plan should clearly define the intended tangible and strategic merits, costs, Timeline, risk, and resources. This will assist in evaluating the extent to which the implementation process has gone and the benefits of the CRM (Callaway, 2000).

Women's Role in the Fields of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Essay

Women's Role in the Fields of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering - Essay Example Until the mid of the 19th century, many women were discriminated in terms of the kind of education they could receive (Klein 45). It was belived that learned women were likely to engage in deviant behavior, not acceptable to the society. People believed that educating females would have a negative effect on their children and their personal health as they are said to weak. By the mid 19th century, supporters of women’s education noted that women were not able to do their natural duties properly and effectively without having the knowledge to do so (Klein 45). In the late 19th century, scientists came up with different studies showing how upper middle class women’s health was affected by strain due to education. The studies also suggested that the strain caused to women in the process of learning mathematics drew blood from their reproductive organs to their brains. Education was therefore viewed to threaten women’s fertility. Despite the restriction on women†™s education, women made several contributions to scientific knowledge. Their contribution was through carrying out research and writing. For instance, Jane Colden who was taught by her father, a botanist, identified over three hundred plant species and classified them. She also identified and classified different works with the gardenia of which she is today identified with. The establishment of female academies meant for upper-class women in the US increased their literacy levels. Most women engaged in writing scientific texts. These texts were used or educating the public about basic science. In 1796 a text entitled Introduction to Botany in a Series of Familiar Letters was published by Priscilla Bell. The book was printed in the US and England for almost fifty years. Some years later, Jane Marcet made a publication of a text titled Conversations on Chemistry. Maria Mitchell is regarded as the first lady to be a professional scientist in America. According to Wyer (96), at twen ty-eight that is in 1847, she discovered a new comet. The earlier belief that it was unwise to educate women began to fade gradually in the latter part of the 1800s. This belief gave way to the argument that women education improved their knowledge making it more beneficial. By the end of the 19th century, around twenty-five women had been awarded doctorate degrees with six of them being in science (Wyer 56). The following year the number of women awarded doctorate degrees in science went up to thirty-six. This led to the increasing need to provide more job opportunities for women. When focusing on the history women in the field of engineering in America, there has been a great evolution. Early in the 19th century, technology was viewed in the perspective of science. It was viewed as a filed meant for men. It was due to the masculinity associated with the combination of science and technology. In those days the women’s contribution in science and other related fields such as mathematics and engineering was undermined. The only women who succeeded in the field worked in line with their husbands or fathers. The society of women engineers in America has done a lot in promoting engineering to be career choice to women. The society was formed in 1950 and was involved in introducing young females in the field of engineering. It has initiated career guidance and counseling for women. Earlier women engaged in the field of engineering of practiced the career through information distribution. By the start of the 20th century, engineering programs were only known by a small number of women. They started

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25

Art - Essay Example The statue sits in a corner spot, well lit by natural windows from behind and both sides. This position forces the viewer to appreciate the work from the frontal position, and does not allow a good view from the sides or the back. The positioning of what amounts to a severed head onto a base places great emphasis on the facial expression. The work is representational and very detailed, showing realistic touches such as the wrinkles on the forehead and the waves of hair sticking out in patches from the head. This realism is modified somewhat by the blue coloring, which is an unusual choice for a representational self-portrait because it does not represent the human skin tones very accurately. The head maintains the usual proportions of adult human anatomy and conveys an expression of intensity and concentration, indicated by the pursed lips and protruding neck veins. The beard, head hair and eyebrows are represented by tufts and clumps and they all sit frame-like around the central eyes and nose which form the focus of the whole piece. This lumpy texture contrasts with the smoother texture of expanses of skin. The glaze is shiny, which makes the surface of the cheeks and the forehead glisten. This adds to the realism of the piece because it is reminiscent of human perspiration. My first reaction on viewing this work was surprise. The incongruous color and startling expression drew my attention to the piece. At first I did not notice the inscription on the base and I wondered what the meaning of the strange expression might be. I imagined that the head was rendered speechless by something that it had seen. It did not look too pleased, and something about the eyes suggested to me that the person was unhappy and perhaps a little afraid. The head reminded me of an ancient sculpture and the color made me think of the sea. I thought it might be an ancient image of the sea god Neptune or perhaps a Biblical character like Noah or Moses. When I

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Internet Banking at Citibank UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet Banking at Citibank UK - Essay Example Marketers are now focusing on existing customer development rather than just new customer acquisition. Major changes have occurred in the traditional view of customer defection rates, most noticeably in the banking industry where churn has increased from -10 percent in 2003 to almost +20 percent by 2005. These studies showed that the supposedly massive rates of customer inertia in banking is no longer a given. Banks need to fight for every customer, not only to capture each one but, more importantly, to retain them. One economic justification for this mindset change was the research finding that â€Å"it can cost five times more to obtain a new customer than to keep an existing one†. What started the trend towards customer loyalty was Reichheld who found that a 5 percent increase in loyalty can lead to a 25 to 85 percent increase in profitability.On the contrary, Reinartz and Kumar argued that whilst serving customers over a long period may be beneficial, long-term customers m ay not necessarily be profitable, and that managers should not equate customer retention with increased lifetime spending, decreased cost of service, and lower price sensitivity. They concluded that companies should study if long-term customers stay profitable, implying that if they are not, the business must jettison those customers who eat into profits.These were the concepts in our mind when we decided, exploring its look and feel and the products offered, and evaluating the over-all Internet-based customer experience.

Marketing and Strategy Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing and Strategy Assignment - Essay Example Companies are spending billions towards research and development in order to create innovations in their product lines. Firms like Apple are generating their core competence in the market based on innovations and research and development (Ireland, Hitt, & Hoskisson, 2011, p.82). The increased competition in the market has also led to marketers spending huge amounts towards improving their positioning and brand image in an attempt to create a distinction between the products and services offered by the competitors in the market (Davis, 2009, p.148). The present study would analyse the marketing strategies adopted by various organizations in an attempt to create segregation and generate competitive advantage in the market. The study would specifically focus upon marketing strategies with real life examples in the industry so as to help generate competitive advantage for business organizations. Analysis The role of marketers in the present business is essentially to analyse the needs an d wants of the customers and design product mix in a manner that tends to satisfy the unfulfilled needs of consumers. Marketers are spending billions on conducting marketing research in order to analyse the demands of the consumers and design an optimum product mix that can be used to generate competitive advantage in the market. Marketing research can help marketers and strategists in determining the gaps in the present level of product or service offering and the demands of the consumers. These gaps can be consequently help in generating a product mix that would help enhance the positioning of the organization. Market research can also help companies find the perceptions of their brands among the members of the target market audience. Strategists can then take up policies that can help in improving their image through the feedbacks gathered from the research (Duboff & Spaeth, 2000, p.106-108). One such example can be found in the case of South Central Bell Company that was continu ously losing its market share. Using market intelligence tools and conducting market research, the company was able to able to identify the reason behind the debacle and take up corrective measures that helped it to again regain its lost position in the market (Hair, Bush & Ortinau, 2007, p.116). Pricing is another critical strategic aspect that can be used to generate market advantage in business. Companies are trying to generate organizational excellence by using technological innovations like Total Quality Management, Kaizen and Six Sigma to ensure minimal operational costs. Examples of this form can be traced in the business strategies of companies like Toyota that has generated competitive advantage based on Just in Time approach (Imai, 1997, pp.4-6). Predatory pricing is one strategy that is very commonly used by marketers to gain market share and eliminate competitors. This strategy involves selling products at lowest rates that helps them capture a large share of the market (Greene, American Bar Association & Section of Antitrust Law, 1996, p.55-56). However critiques have also slammed the benefits of using this strategy as they believe that predatory pricing strategy leads to unfair competitive

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Internet Banking at Citibank UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet Banking at Citibank UK - Essay Example Marketers are now focusing on existing customer development rather than just new customer acquisition. Major changes have occurred in the traditional view of customer defection rates, most noticeably in the banking industry where churn has increased from -10 percent in 2003 to almost +20 percent by 2005. These studies showed that the supposedly massive rates of customer inertia in banking is no longer a given. Banks need to fight for every customer, not only to capture each one but, more importantly, to retain them. One economic justification for this mindset change was the research finding that â€Å"it can cost five times more to obtain a new customer than to keep an existing one†. What started the trend towards customer loyalty was Reichheld who found that a 5 percent increase in loyalty can lead to a 25 to 85 percent increase in profitability.On the contrary, Reinartz and Kumar argued that whilst serving customers over a long period may be beneficial, long-term customers m ay not necessarily be profitable, and that managers should not equate customer retention with increased lifetime spending, decreased cost of service, and lower price sensitivity. They concluded that companies should study if long-term customers stay profitable, implying that if they are not, the business must jettison those customers who eat into profits.These were the concepts in our mind when we decided, exploring its look and feel and the products offered, and evaluating the over-all Internet-based customer experience.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Critically explore and analyse concepts and debates in contemporary Essay - 2

Critically explore and analyse concepts and debates in contemporary health and - Essay Example This issue is challenging for the physicians and the care givers. It also suggests the fact though the UKNHS policies and interventions really strive to reach each and every people but they also fail in some specific sections of the population. In this article the conceptual problems leading to this discrepancy of policy and manifestations are elucidated and discussed.(Unal,2004) Though there has been literature regarding the issues there has been very little work done as to how to improve from this issue. The Health Development has the task of developing the evidence base in health to inform policies and practice to reduce inequalities. The HAD has done reviews on issues like low birth weight, social supports in pregnancy, prevention of drug In fact the HAD reviews implicated that the dimensions of social positions and social differences such as ethnicity, disability, gender, age , place and geography was though not been explicitly denied as important but are underdeveloped empirically and theoretically. Thus the question of social work requires much more prominent role in policy making in health planning services. In Britain social inequalities has been evaluated by occupations. The occupation of the male head household was used to determine social class positions of all the members of the society including the aged population. Hence in the mind of policy makers the women were thus not distinguished for the social class positions and hence their was little allowance for kinds of social difference other than the occupation of the male head to determine for the health inequalities. Though the society has changed with the women and the geriatric population actively been employed, the decline of manual work that has taken place but the policy makers abide by the earlier rule of occupation based data capture for formulating policies. There are a number of factors of social

Monday, October 14, 2019

The importance of automobile industry

The importance of automobile industry CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Introduction In the civilization of 21st century, human beings are not only focused on the basic needs but also pursuit the higher quality life. From the emergence of competitive business world, automobile manufacturers and assemblers needed to be active in order to ensure that consumers have high intention to purchase their products. We can clearly knowing that the people are toward the goal of comfortable and enjoyable life compared those residents in the olden days. Background information of country Malaysia The national car project, PROTON has been initiated with the originally conceived the idea and direct support of the then Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed was incorporate on May 7th, 1983 (http://www.proton.com). The first Proton car, Proton Saga was launched on July 9th, 1985. The present model car includes Gen2, Iswara, Wira, Waja, Savvy, Persona and Perdana. With the support by government, Malaysia has a fairly strong automobile industry. Beside Protons cars, the famous and well known cars also been assembled in Malaysia such as BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Toyota, Volvo and etc. The importance of the automobile industry is also evident from its substantial contribution to the government bursary on direct and indirect taxes. It is estimated a total of RM 13.14 billion. A 54% of the total is for the government annual duty excise revenue which approximately RM 7.0956 billion, 33% of sales tax which approximately RM 4.3362 billion, 8% of import duty approximately RM 1.0512 billion and a 5% of corporate tax estimated to be RM 0.657 billion (http://www.proton.com). It the sense, it surely will be the governments interest to see automobile industry in Malaysia to grow further. Malaysia is largest automobile market in ASEANS with 90% of that manufactured or assembled domestically and more than 500,000 vehicles sold annually (Cheng, 2006). It shows that the major market for Malaysia is passenger automobile market. The new vehicle sales for passengers automobile in year 2006 is 90.1% compared with year 1999 is 83.1% (Malaysian Automobile Association, 2009). From year 1999 to year 2006, the highest automobile sales in Malaysia on year 2005 which is 416,692 automobiles. Table 1.1 shows the new vehicle sales in Malaysia from year 1999 2006. In year 1999 to 2006, we can see that Proton market share had decreased from 64.98% to 31.50% in the year 2006. This means that, the well known marques companies had started to penetrate in Malaysia automobile market. Throughout the 8 years, the highest increased in new vehicle sales is Toyota 84.53% follow by Honda 81.82%, third is Mercedes Benz 64.62%, BMW 61.47% and Nissan 59.50%. We can know that marques like BMW, Honda, Mercedes Benz, Nissan and Toyota automobiles sales have been increased from year to year. Beside Proton vehicle, Perodua is also one of the national car projects in Malaysia. They had also been increased in their vehicle sales from year 1999 2006 which is 56.46%. Automobile industry is the key success factor on the economy growth by creating various kinds of jobs in different industry. Due to its growth and backward relation with almost every segment of the economy, the automobile market has a strong and positive multiplier effect and thus propels progress of a nation (http://business.gov.in). Since Malaysia government had invested in national car project to elevate the technologies and to spur the set up of a huge network industry and services to put Malaysia among the few developing countries that are capable of producing a wide range of vehicles. According to Y.B. Dato Mustapa Mohamed Minister of Prime Ministers Department (2004), to compete internationally in automobile industry, we needed to invest in research and development, upgrade the workforce productivity and production efficiency to be competitively priced, be customer focused and provide satisfactory after sale services and to be aggressively promoting their brands to strengthen their market share positions. Beside that, the automobile industry in Malaysia needed to improve on innovations and practicality of designs, better safety features, improving performance, and fuel efficiency and be environment-friendly (Mustapa,Dato, 2004). Consumer are now also considered comfort and the colors are now for standards of driving in all of the world (Mustapa,Dato, 2004). Malaysia government had introduced the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in automobile industry to revise the sales forecast in order to be more competitively. It is also a way to be greater integration in ASEAN automotive industry; Malaysia will cut down the ASEAN CEPT import duty to 5% for qualifying vehicles (Cheng, 2006). It has been forecast that Proton might facing hard time to competing against tariff-free imports from other ASEANcountries under the agreement (Dilip Singh Mutum, 2003). The famous marques in the world such as Honda, Toyota, BMW and Ford have been put up their manufacturing plant in Thailand for the Malaysia automobile market. The car that have local content at least 40% produced by foreign country may enjoy a preferential import duty (Dilip Singh Mutum, 2003). Background of the Study The automobile industry has become more competitive as the fast trend growing automobile industry in Asia has drawn attention. Asia has been acknowledgement as a potential growth area for the automobile industry. A brands new car publication has led to increased competition, substantial price cuts and lower margins in the automobile industry (Silk Road, 2005). These relationships are not confined to the pursuit of short-term economic imperatives cost reduction but embrace innovations in design and technology, creative research and development and quality improvement and after sale services (Morris, Donnelley Donnelley, 2004). In the competitive automobile industry, competitors have to ensure their products are attracting to the consumers and high perception. The sales of the automobile will enhance the companys growth, profitability and market shares. Many consumers make their purchasing decisions is not always on the products pricing, but is on product characteristics, quality and perception, even between with fast moving consumer good (FMCG) (Veloutsou, Gioulistanis Moutinho, 2004). Some of the producer tends to focus on their own product comparable quality with the international brands, while others give less emphasis on the quality and concentrate on low price products. It is based on their target market. This theory can be converted to products marketed in internationally or locally. The British and German consumers with emphasize to the purchase intention in automobiles, placing particular emphasis on quantifying the relative importance of country-of-origin (Diamantopoulus, Schlegelmilch Du Preez, 1995). Therefore, the product quality will cause induction on consumer by increased their purchase intention attitude towards the brand and willingness of the product. In the advanced and competitive automobile market, consumer perception and purchase intention towards international brand on decision making is well set up. The automobile industries have to continue alter to strengthen their product image with a specific characteristic of the car model. The automobile companies can be fiddle by design via the use of visual elements, which consists of design characteristic to identify a brand and design characteristic for specific models to emphasize individuality (Liem, Zainal Warell, 2009). In automobile industry, under the tremendous pressure of offering a greater product variety at the competitive market pricing, the companies have increasingly employed platform sharing strategy, where different brands and models share the same basic platform (Chen, Kang Hung, 2007). Beside the innovation of the automobiles, after sales service also play an important role to initial the purchase of cars. It would substantially higher in sales and profit margin for the company. It creates substantial opportunities for cross-selling, brand-building, and solidifying customer loyalty. Before a store brand increases customer loyalty, many steps in the process have to be completed (Zielke Dobbelstein, 2007). The customer must know the product, launch some kind of interest, and try the product the first time, become satisfied and then launch a preference which will creates the loyalty of customer (Zielke Dobbelstein, 2007). The marques is currently undertaking a social change with its brands seeming less remote, less different, and less exclusive with high quality of life improving (Anurit, Newman Chansarkar, 1999). With the entire luxury marques brand, it created competitive automobile industry in world wide. The perception of the car image had become the key role in the purchase intention when the quality of the car is continue rising. The premium marques such as Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz must enlarge the attributes and values that reflect changing social values which influence buyers emotionally, in order to maintain their positions in different regions of the global market (Anurit, Newman Chansarkar, 1999). The purpose of this study is to examine consumer perception towards international brand in automobile industry and the factors that affecting the purchase intention on automobile industry towards international brand in Malaysia. It is to understand the perception towards the impact of international brand in automobile industry. Background of Problem Statement In studying the publics perception towards their preferred brand(s), it is important to understand the purchase intention and how does it affects the decision making and understand the factors affecting the purchase intention. Beside that, product image are important and lead to the idea in the marketing strategy. The brand name was the most important quality, followed by price retailer reputation (Agawal, Teas, 2002). These findings are valuable to marketers because they clarify whether or not marketing strategies related to market pricing, brand name, and their retailer reputation, can be standardized across cultures and countries (Agawal, Teas, 2002). The research is on Malaysians perception towards international brand in automobile industry and the affects of purchase intention on automobile in Malaysia. Almost all new car models are structure with brand extensions, capitalizing on current consumer perceptions and positioning the new model within the brand family (Strach Everett, 2006). Most of the Chinese car buyers are making their first automobile purchase and shows the brand loyalty (Silk Road, 2005). In the automobile market, consumers perceptions are more sensitive on the pricing that will affect the purchase intention. On the other hand, the perception towards the impact of international brand in automobile industry is a brand alliance combines the equity of two or more brand names to create a synergistic effect (Rodrique Biswas, 2004). In addition, the variables should be positively affected by the brand alliance (Rodrique Biswas, 2004). The brand names serve as a quality pledge device by wigwag product quality better than the host brand can by itself (Rodrique Biswas, 2004). Korean consumers perception were more strongly influenced by subjective norms rather than their attitudes, while US consumers purchase intentions were more strongly influenced by their attitudes than by the subjective norms (Chung Pysarcik, 2000). Problem Statement In Malaysia, the automobile industries are very competitive and the quantities of automobiles users are increasing every year. Table 1.2 shows the sales of automobiles in Malaysia in year 1999-2003. From the table, we can see that the non-national cars sales have been increasing throughout the five years. We can know that nowadays the peoples are preferred on international brand compared to the past. In year 2003, KIA motor has become one of the national cars in Malaysia. In year 2002 and 2003 total national cars sales have drop about 17% which is 56,920 units. Compared with the International brand cars sales have been increase about 35.7% which is about 16,663 units. However, Malaysias automobile industries still are facing positive and negative factors and impact which will greatly affect the purchase intention in automobile industry toward international brand. Therefore, I would like to do the research on automobile industry in Malaysia. In this research, we will focus and analyze the main 3 problem in this field which is: What is the Malaysians perception towards international brand in automobile industry? What are the factors affecting the purchase intention on automobile industry towards international brand in Malaysia? What is the perception towards the impact of international brand in automobile industry? Research Objective We define the research objective as: To study the Malaysians perception towards international brand in automobile industry. To study the factors affecting the purchase intention on automobile industry towards international brand in Malaysia. To study the perception towards the impact of international brand in automobile industry. Scope of the study This study will focus on all Malaysians especially the students from Multimedia University and working adults / young executives. It will examine the perception towards international brand and the factors affecting the purchase intention and the perception towards the impact of international brand in automobile industry. The study specifically will be focus on the Malaysians perception towards international brand in automobile industry. Significant of the study Through consumer behavior perspective in automobile industry, the research of this study prescribes the assembler and manufacturer with importance information about the perception is contributing to the purchase intention. With globalization, companies compete across borders and cultures. It is important for automobile industry to understand and forecast the perception. In addition, the research will provide a useful tool in developing effective marketing plans. It also provides some insight of Malaysians perceptions that arouse positive attitude towards international brand that will influence the consumers purchase intention. By conducting this research, it will be great to explore the perception towards the impact of international brand in automobile. The research is value added to the theory of purchase intention that it is not only related to locally but also internationally. Through this study, we are able to understand the factors that affecting to purchase intention on automobile towards international brand in Malaysia. Furthermore, this study can be used as a reference in Malaysia automobile industry for policy makers, automobile manufacturer and assemblers. Organization of the Research Report There are five chapters to be organized: Chapter 1 is the introduction of this research. Background of study and background of information country will be explained. Problem Statement and objective of study will be defined in this chapter. In Chapter 2, we will present a review of literature related to the perception of Malaysians towards international brand in automobile industry and the factors affecting the purchase intention on automobile industry towards International brand in Malaysia. This chapter also includes the perception towards the impact of international brand in automobile industry. The Chapter 3, research methodology, which includes the description of research framework used, questionnaire, sampling plan, and data collection method and data analysis. In this chapter, hypothesises will be made. In Chapter 4, we will analysis on the result of research findings. The beginning of the chapter is the background of the respondents. In the following part, reliability analysis will be tested. In the third part, there is included with mean analysis. The fourth is Pearson Correlation Analysis. The last part of Chapter 4 is multiple regressions. Chapter 5 is the contribution and conclusion of the study. The next part is suggestion for future research and limitation of study will be determined. Recommendation for the future study is included. Lastly, conclusion for the whole study will be given. LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction The purpose of the literature review is to provide supporting evidence that is related to the research. This chapter discusses the relevant literature dominant to the expansion of the conceptual model. Specifically, this literature review related to the perception and purchase intention. The Underlying Theory of Perception Most of the consumers will judge based on the price, store name, and brand name, to incriminate product quality perceptions has been demonstrated (Agrawal Teas, 2002). Study is an important build for investigative ethics-relevant feature of situational element in decision making and the relationship between quality cues and perceived quality across different cultural groups (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999; Agrawal Teas, 2002). In investigative the problem of perceived value is important because, when contrast with perceived quality, perceived value is immediate linked to consumer willingness-to-buy (Agrawal Teas, 2002). In additional, values are more complicated concept than the simply quality because it involves a trade-off of give and get components of a business deal. Therefore, the value will influence consumers purchase intention, which conversely is influenced by both quality and monetary sacrifice needed to purchase the product (Agrawal Teas, 2002). According to Agrawal and Teas (2002) Figure 2.1 shows the relationship between perceived quality, perceived sacrifice, perceived value and willingness-to-buy due to these four premises. The second premise will affect the first premise, which is consumers perception of product value will affect by consumers willingness-to-buy. Beside that, the perceived quality and monetary sacrifice is also affect by the consumers perception of value Therefore, Extrinsic cues such store name, brand name and price will be affect by consumers perception of product quality. Followed by, the price would be affect by consumers perception of sacrifice. Agrawal Teas (2002) conclude that: Consumers perceptions of quality and sacrifice will influence by extrinsic cues which is objective price, retailer reputation and brand name; The assessments of perceived value will influence by consumers perceptions of quality and sacrifice; and Consumers willingness-to-buy will be influence by the perceptions of value. According to Agrawal and Teas (2002) most of the consumers very frequent short of the in detail information, interest, expertise and time to assess a products quality. Pricing is also one of the indicators of cost that causes consumers have to give up an opportunity cost in exchange for the other products. The perceived quality and perceived sacrifice intervene the relationship between pricing, retailer reputation and brand name and perceive value. The willingness to buy a product is more directly connected to perceived value than perceived quality. Beliefs, Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions Model The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between consumers perceptions and purchase intentions. By using the model of beliefs, attitudes and behavioral intentions it can define the relationship between consumers perceptions and purchase intentions (Fishbein Ajzen, 1975). According to Fishbein Ajzen (1975), as illustrated in Figure 2.2 it can define the relationships between perceptions and purchase intentions. As plate in Figure 2.2, the foundation of Fishbein Ajzen (1975) model is touch down in the difference between beliefs, attitude, intentions and behaviors. Beliefs are the main blocks in the model. Based on the first hand observation receive from outside source, a person emulate of beliefs about an object. Then they joint the object with every attributes. Therefore, a persons forges beliefs about oneself, about other people, about institutions, behaviors. The overall of a persons beliefs serve as the message base that ultimately defines their attitude, intentions and behaviors. Attitude can be characterization as a learned inclination to respond in a constant favorable or unfavorable way with respect to given object. Meanwhile, a behavioral intention indicates to a persons pectoral probability that they will perform some specific behavior. According to Fishbein Ajzen (1975) conceptual framework, a persons intentions, in the last resolution, are a function of certain beliefs. Some of these beliefs affect the persons attitude toward the behavior. In detailed, a person manner toward performing a given behavior is linked to their beliefs that performing the behavior will guide to certain outcome and his appraisal of those outcome. The acceptance is that the more favorable a persons attitude toward an object, the more they will propose to implement positive behaviors and the less they will propose to implement negative behaviors with respect to that object. The standard variable in Fishbein Ajzen (1975) model is the individuals behavioral intention. Fishbein Ajzen (1975) stated that behavioral intentions minister as a persons attitude toward an intervening variable and clear behavior. Fishbein Ajzen (1975) confident that the best forecast of a given behavior should be the persons intention to deal in that behavior. In order to forecast a concrete behavior (purchase intention), it is essential to measure the persons attitude and intentions toward performing that behavior (Fishbein Ajzen (1975). Therefore, if there can forecast on the behavioral intentions, in the other way it also can forecast the real behavior (Newberry, Klemz Boshoff, 2003). Product Cues Consumer assess products is based on the two attributes. Product linked attributes and non-product attributes are the two attributes. Design, serviceability and workmanship are the examples of product linked attributes (Gutman Alden, 1985). Inherent cues are the attributes that should not be transformed without transforming the physical features of the product itself (Gutman Alden, 1985). Consumers find it hard, if not impractical to assess the intrinsic cues precisely (Gutman Alden, 1985). The second element is extrinsic cues which are non-product linked attributes. Extrinsic cue is one which forms element of the worth of the product which is not innate characteristic of the substantial product (Gutman Alden, 1985). When inherent cues are apparent as being unpredictable, incomparable or unavailable, the extrinsic cues are relied upon seriously in the circumstances of risks (Gutman Alden, 1985). Research have revealed that consumers depend on extrinsic cues such as brand name (Agrawal Teas, 2002), price (Agrawal Teas, 2002), seller reputation (Agrawal Teas, 2002), advertising (Gutman Alden, 1985) and country-of-origin (Gutman Alden, 1985), in evaluating the value of products and brands preceding to purchase. Brand is used particularly as inherent cues (e.g. taste, performance and design) are not obtainable (Gutman Alden, 1985). This research aims to focus on an imperative gap by investigative product cue usage among consumers in Malaysia as both inherent and ext rinsic cues are predictable to influence consumers purchase intention. Inherent cues on Purchase Intention Consumers will form their possess perceptions on product cues, irrespective of their correctness as product cues are main advertising variables that pressure purchase decisions of potential customers (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). The components of cultural pressure and group conventionality have a weaker influence on attitudes than product assessment, and they are major predictors for domestic products but not for imported products (Chung Pysarchik, 2000). According to Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed (1999) Malaysian and United State consumers will also be compared in condition of their personality ethical philosophies. Furthermore, the two groups of consumers will be compared about their attitudes toward business, in most cases, and toward salespeople (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). There were several primary differences between United State and Malaysia is chosen for the assessment among these two countries (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). For example, the civilizing typology, the two cultures are different in definite significant values (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). It has constantly found real differences in moral perceptions in United State compared to Malaysia (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). Beside that, a study by Chung Pysarchik (2000) on cross-cultural differences within the apply of inherent and extrinsic product cues on consumers assessment and purchase intention for an attire product in China and Korea has reported that there were several differences in Chinese and Korean in assessing quality, worthy and purchase intentions. Findings have exposed that design was a stronger forecaster of purchase intention among Korean consumer (Chung Pysarchik, 2000). In brief, Korean consumers become visible to decide value of an attire product by comparing physical quality and design to price suitability, whereas Chinese consumers perception of value appear to be mainly reliant on their price perceptions (Chung Pysarchik, 2000). In addition, the research by Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez (1995) the possibility of standardizing European advertising has been questioned on the basis of trade and industry, cultural, and behavioral differences among European consumers. Particularly, it compares British and German consumers through observe to automobile purchases, insertion exacting importance on quantifying the relation importance of country-of-origin and environmental cues in a multi-cue context (Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez, 1995). Inherent cues are conceptualized as the attributes that should not be distorted or manipulated without changing the physical characteristics of the product itself (Gutman Alden, 1985). In inherent cues it might be hypothesized that inherent cues with slight consequence to consumers when evaluating an automobile. Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed (1999) study have shaped an opposing consequence. Their findings have exposed that inherent cues are possible to have a better collision on product assessments than extrinsic cues (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). Automobile purchase is a high contribution product and its difficult for consumers who do not have any technical background (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). Since automobile is a physical product, consumers more often assess product by using inherent cues such as color, design and specifications of the automobile (Gutman Alden, 1985) and extrinsic cues which is brand name, retailer reputation and price (Agrawal Teas, 2002). Since it is luxurious, it is bought once in a while. It is apparent to be dangerous and is extremely self expressive (Singhapakdi, Rawwas, Marta Ahmed, 1999). Country of Origin on Purchase Intention In given that to determining the work of country of origin has develop into one of the extensively research concepts in promotion and consumers behavior (Peterson Jolibert, 1995). It is one of the majority extensively deliberate phenomena in all the international business, promotion, and consumers behavior joint (Peterson Jolibert, 1995). It is unambiguous that a products country of origin can pressure consumers evaluative judgments of the product (Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez, 1995). These researches have established that consumers from miscellaneous countries have different perception about products produce in different countries (Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez, 1995). Also, it is acknowledged that there is a better requirement to determine consumers attitude towards both domestic and foreign products (Ozsomer Cavusgil, 1991). Several researches in this area have alert on what is called the country of origin consequence, investigating how consumers recognize products sourced from a exacting country (Peterson Jolibert, 1995). Country of origin is distinct as the country of produce or assembly (Ozsomer Cavusgil, 1991). This refers to the final point of produce which can be the same as the headquarters of the organization doing the marketing of the product or the brand name (Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez, 1995). Precedent country-of-origin research is mainly leaning towards consumer evaluations of product quality (Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez, 1995). Results on American buyers perception on product made in Eastern Europe have shown that industrial buyer usually felt that the quality of goods manufactured in West European countries was higher than the quality of products manufactured in the Eastern (Huddleston, Good Stoel, 2001). While country-of-origin belongings have been deliberate for over twenty five years, most of the research is restricted to uni-national products connecting a single country-of origin (Ozsomer Cavusgil, 1991). In recent times, the minority researchers have ongoing to observe the country-of-origin possessions in the circumstance of multi-country surroundings, making a dissimilarity among country of construct or assembly and the country of the companys headquarters (Huddleston, Good Stoel, 2001). For example, Anurit, Newman Chansarkar (1999) found that with the intention of designed for bi-national products; country of manufacture has superior possessions on top of consumer evaluations of product quality than does the brand name. In addition, Ozsomer Cavusgil (1991) found that there is no benefit in by means of a country with apparent greater design ability to improve product quality perception if the country assembly location is already apparent to produce poor quality products. Country of origin might be less important than has usually been supposed and they might happen mainly in relation to assessment of detailed attributes rather than overall evaluations (Huddleston, Good Stoel, 200 1). Consequently, there is no inquiry that country of origin consequence does exist and made-in typecast can be modify at least in the long-standing. Analyzing information throughout the use of structural modeling, Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez (1995) found rejection direct association of country of origin on purchase intentions and this confirms Peterson Jolibert (1995) doubts that country of origin evaluations has modest or rejection direct pressure on purchase intentions. This led researchers to conclude that the pressure of country of origin is more possible to function throughout supplementary variables rather than straight on purchase intentions (Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez, 1995). According to Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez (1995) the connection between country-of-origin possessions and branding has newly attracted rehabilitated concentration. For car manufacturers, country-of-origin possessions are of exacting significance (Diamantopoulos, Schlegelmilch Preez, 1995). Alternatively, they have achieved an extremely worldwide organization of manufacture processes which makes it ever more complicated for common consu